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Not cool man. [SPOILERS]

691313 July 5, 2020 11:19 pm

WTF Natsuo? You are really are a piece of crap. You have to realize that at the end you will always love Hina when Rui was pregnant. PERFECT. This really made me angry. This is so sad. when I read (again)the chapter when Rui asked Natsuo if he love her and He said yes, I am really going to cry because IT´S A FUCKING LIE. At the end he never loved Rui, why did he have to start a relationship without have his mind clear? JUST WHY?

    B WENDY August 12, 2020 11:09 pm

    Why did he even start a relationship with his step sister in the first place!.....I dont know what told him doing that would be ok in the first place!