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"MASTURBATOR: it looks fun. So fun that I, for the very first time since birth, regret not...

jino September 8, 2014 3:59 am

"MASTURBATOR: it looks fun. So fun that I, for the very first time since birth, regret not having a stick grown on my body to try using it on and have fun with it." Same sensei, same...

...and not to mention all the bishie booties out there teehee~

    Anonymous March 17, 2015 12:36 pm

    Girls use vibrators... I tried holding one when it's on and I was giggling non-stop...hahaha

    jino March 17, 2015 5:11 pm
    Girls use vibrators... I tried holding one when it's on and I was giggling non-stop...hahaha @Anonymous

    Ya i know, i just thought it would be amusing to have a dick for the purpose of trying out the masturbator in the manga

    Omg lol!! I have yet to touch one irl, I've only seen one once when we got it as a birthday present for a friend xD

    Mameiha August 21, 2015 6:27 pm
    Ya i know, i just thought it would be amusing to have a dick for the purpose of trying out the masturbator in the manga Omg lol!! I have yet to touch one irl, I've only seen one once when we got it as a birthda... jino

    OMG Seriously? You are so missing out! Every girl should have at least one BOB! (Battery Operated Boyfriend) Having a date with BOB is like heaven on earth! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Pagan August 21, 2015 7:15 pm
    OMG Seriously? You are so missing out! Every girl should have at least one BOB! (Battery Operated Boyfriend) Having a date with BOB is like heaven on earth! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Mameiha

    Mostly because it never says anything stupid to kill the mood. ;)

    Mameiha August 21, 2015 8:33 pm
    Mostly because it never says anything stupid to kill the mood. ;) @Pagan

    That and... it never satisfies itself first, never is too tired, never gets jealous, never looks at other chicks, never leaves wet towels on the bathroom floor...need I go on? BOB is the perfect partner. One downside...BOB is a lousy kisser! LMAO