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Next they should do a drama, where the Imai Mao, knows about who Ousaka Kande-kun likes an...

Anonymous September 8, 2014 10:47 pm

Next they should do a drama, where the Imai Mao, knows about who Ousaka Kande-kun likes and she feels she doesn't have a chance with him. However she is able to pull off Kande-kun to be with his Sempai who he loves. Of course that was no easy task and a lot of lies to cover up it was Imai Mao how made it happen. Kande-kun figures it out by asking his Sempai questions. Hearing something different though makes him rush out and find Imai Mao.

    Anonymous September 8, 2014 10:49 pm

    True usual story lines have that but since its not ur page it not right to script it if u know what I mean... But I like ur idea's of where ur going with this, u should try making ur own manga.

    Anonymous September 8, 2014 10:51 pm

    Oh I will, and it was a suggestion, but ur right.... ^-^ I guess I loved reading what they had, I just felt like saying more to it -.-" my bad -//- bows