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Wait a minute, this is the end? No epilogue?

Anonymous July 6, 2020 7:00 pm

Wait a minute, this is the end? No epilogue?

    ^w^ July 18, 2020 3:44 pm

    According to the last chapter:
    -Jeremy’s mother ran away with some man on a snowy night carrying a bag with her belongings.
    -Jeremy finds a wife and introduces her to his “father”.
    -Chris(Pandora’s dad) dies from liver cancer because of his intense alcoholism(he clearly had a very bad habit of drinking alcohol as shown throughout the story).
    -Pandora has to live with the guilt for not being a better daughter and leaving the house since she can’t be there for her father’s deathbed.
    -Since Pandora doesn’t have any skills with sewing and she left the house, she is unable to find a stable job and is a courtesan/prostitute. Her father sends her money though. (I wonder if she inherited Chris’s money after he died).
    -think the ending was meant to show that they have to suffer the consequences for their actions(Chris dies from liver cancer and Pandora feels guilty for not being there for her father).
    -Btw you can find the epilogue on Lezhin since it’s free it doesn’t explain much but I guess the last chapter was kind of confusing. Hope this helped!

    finley September 21, 2020 8:03 pm

    u can read the epilogue on lezhin, its free