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If i were the second couple i would've broken up already and the first couple I would hav...

Justanothercomment July 7, 2020 12:15 pm

If i were the second couple i would've broken up already and the first couple I would have kissed and have sex with him already ...

    Justanothercomment July 8, 2020 3:31 am
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    All the second couple does is say hurtful things and fight, I don't know if you ever dated or been in a long relationship but in real life that shit gets tiring like why be in a relationship like that? In real life I would've broken up and the second couple are too slow I agree with that and I think they are still discovering how they feel since they have been friends since childhood so it makes sense that they can't move fast but now is too slow.

    MooMoos July 8, 2020 11:40 am
    All the second couple does is say hurtful things and fight, I don't know if you ever dated or been in a long relationship but in real life that shit gets tiring like why be in a relationship like that? In real ... Justanothercomment

    My friend's boyfriend once told that he miss fighting (like verbal fight) but I never understand relationship. Btw both of them still in an item. they agrue for nonsense thing sometimes like the second couple (but there is no bad word is used)

    Direwolf July 8, 2020 4:02 pm

    Been in a relationship (couple) and some people are just hard to express their feelings outwardly. While this is an issue with the second, they do bicker and resolve their issues quite quickly instead of letting it fester for a long time. Banter and bickering are completely acceptable and based on individual tolerance, so it makes total sense why this would work. Everyone is different, and this manga portrays that brilliantly, I'm a little bit annoyed with main couple, mostly because of this lack of straightforward communication. But, they're exploring themselves and are in a new relationship. And that's ok too!

    Direwolf July 8, 2020 4:03 pm

    *just have a hard time expressing their feeling (I know I do). Being cheesy and romantic doesn't work form everyone, and some people express affection in different ways.

    Justanothercomment July 20, 2020 2:21 am

    well everyone likes what they like i guess i prefer someone who is sweet and calm