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Sign?? The end?? What’s written om the watch?

Anonym2003 July 7, 2020 10:39 pm

WAIT WHAT?? Sign has ended?? Okok, I need some time to consume this, so for the time being, I’ll ignore that fact.

BUT, I want to know what’s written on the watch so badly!! And I’m almost certain that we’ll never know for sure. So here I am, making some guesses based on their cute and blushing reactions (I’m even using phrases that I‘ve stored in my old notes, sentences that I want to use in my possibly future books lol).
If you agree, like some of the options, or have one yourself, please do comment!

1. «I believe in the silence of love. Because whenever I am with you, I hear a everlasting symphony.»

2. «If I was to grant a wish, I’d wish to hear your voice just once.»

3. «You’ve found and treasured sides of me that I didn’t know existed. So please let me stay entire, forever by your side.»

4. «By every passing minute, my love for you grows even more.»

5. «Time waits for no one. Yet I’m willing to wait an enternity for you.»
