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This manga just gets more weird and pervert as it goes along, but i'm not entirely mad and...

ChibaChan July 8, 2020 12:49 am

This manga just gets more weird and pervert as it goes along, but i'm not entirely mad and i dunno why.

    Sanquin July 8, 2020 11:59 am

    Same here. Maybe it's because it's so blatant and exaggerated with the ecchi that it loops right back around and makes it kinda entertaining again. :P

    Sanquin July 9, 2020 4:50 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Natsu

    Yea...the smartphone one is so boring, cliché, and by the numbers. Plus the mc has no personality at all.

    The mc in this one has a personality, the story is kinda interesting even if still cliché, and everyone in the world is so much of a pervert that it becomes funny in a way.

    ChibaChan July 10, 2020 12:42 am
    Same here. Maybe it's because it's so blatant and exaggerated with the ecchi that it loops right back around and makes it kinda entertaining again. :P Sanquin

    Lol yes almost i think, it's like it really is not in any way hiding the fact that we're all boobs and butts and that's ok, better than these ones who try and hide the fact that they are ecchi by making it into some stupid storyline (looking at you Hideo Kojima...or you know other manga)

    Argueta July 10, 2020 4:21 pm
    Lol yes almost i think, it's like it really is not in any way hiding the fact that we're all boobs and butts and that's ok, better than these ones who try and hide the fact that they are ecchi by making it into... ChibaChan

    I was like What The Actual Fuck when the girls sudenly became milk canons at the latest chapter. This is bordeline hentai and we love it

    Sanquin July 10, 2020 4:36 pm
    I was like What The Actual Fuck when the girls sudenly became milk canons at the latest chapter. This is bordeline hentai and we love it Argueta

    To be honest, this latest chapter is stepping over the line for me a bit... But if it doesn't happen too often it's fine I guess.

    Sanquin August 17, 2020 9:24 pm
    To be honest, this latest chapter is stepping over the line for me a bit... But if it doesn't happen too often it's fine I guess. Sanquin

    And it keeps on going with stepping over the line for me...ah well, another manga lost I guess.