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Help me find this manga!!!

Mango July 8, 2020 4:59 am

I have read this manga a while ago and I forgot what it’s call. It’s a shoujo manga. Please help me find this manga.

The story started with the female lead at the beach/vacation house because it’s during school break. She stayed there and soon after some days the male lead came there as well. They’ve always know each other and she always likes him. They’re there alone and soon after, they have sex. Everything is good until her family came to the place and tell her that he is not the person she thought he is. He is the twin brother of the guy she likes. Later, there’s a flashback to their childhood days and it’s revealed that it is the male lead that she love from the start but she mistakenly thought it’s the brother.

I’ve been looking for a year and still cannot find it. If need more information comment for more information. Thank you in advance.

    Mango July 8, 2020 5:42 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Daytoy85

    No, it’s not this one. Thank you though.