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From what I saw from the raws she doesn't look like she feels bad at all to be fair I thin...

Lee-boi July 8, 2020 5:19 am

From what I saw from the raws she doesn't look like she feels bad at all to be fair I think she's just hoping he don't say anything she didn't come and help him when he was convicted even if she was scared thats her friend and her childhood friend at that like wtf she couldn't even say that he saved her i get she was scared but he took a lot of criticism for her and his own sister hated his guts like she is a coward i think that she didn't want to have to live with the tag murderer or tell people she was raped she didn't even have to say she was raped if she didn't want people to know she could have said he tried to and it was self defence and just told the truth of what happened after that. I think she just hopes she can continue with living her life like she has and pretend that there's nothing wrong and not listen to her own heart on what she knows is right.

    Lee-boi July 8, 2020 5:31 am

    And to be fair i think the author or artist portrays the girls in many manga as very weak and very errrmmm... stupid in the sense that she just allows the rapist to continue with what his been doing ive known many women who have fought off their attackers or called for help. I know a girl personally in my own friend group who arrested and beat the shit out off her attempted rapist who had broke into her house, I respected her before but after that I couldn't help but respect her on a whole new level. But yeah I think the girl here is on a whole new level of coward I know she's young and its OK to be afraid but when your friend is on trial for murder and hasnt said why he did that and made himself out to be a total pycho risking everything he had and his future she should have stepped forward and said something at that point. I just can't feel like what she's doing is justified on the basis "she was scared" I think she will really need to make it up to the guy or come forward.

    Kasumi-chan007 July 8, 2020 10:03 pm

    You're right about this whole thing

    thot goblin November 6, 2020 4:02 pm

    Oh how lovely she gets a fucking happy end while the person who saved her gets jack fucking shit. MAN. fuck this

    Lee-boi November 6, 2020 5:00 pm
    Oh how lovely she gets a fucking happy end while the person who saved her gets jack fucking shit. MAN. fuck this thot goblin

    I know makes me so mad. So annoyed she should have said something when she had the chance and now its too late because his being punished for something he didn't do.