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Lastest chapter: Did she do it out of love or selfishness?

Anonym2003 July 8, 2020 9:01 pm

Poor Haesoo, to know that his own mother finds him as a burden. I’m sure she’s beginning to doubt her intentions: «Am I really doing it for his sake? Should I really do this to him, even though I’m sacreficing his possibility to be happy, in order to restore my own chances? Wait, is it his happiness to be with Joowon or am I doing my son a favor for his own wellbeing? Does Haesoo count as a part of my happiness? So why do I push him around like this? What if I’m only doing out of my selfishness?»
I don’t blame her for being insecure of her actions, but LIKE HELL I despised the fact that she didn’t defend her own son. Her soon to be husband literally said that Haesoo is all to blame, that he made Joowon the way he is now and that the only solution would be to send him away. Toxic relation or whatever, I don’t care, but to have this relationship as it is right now requires more than one person to make an action. How dare he blame everything on Haesoo when there’s clearly not only Haesoo, not to mention Joowon, but also other factors that played within all this?? She should’ve said something. But what did she do? She agreed with that man. LIKE WHAT? So you’re agreeing with him that Haesoo is the root for all the problems huh? I wonder what you’ll end up with, what you’ll think about your past actions, when the end comes...
But hey, I really treasure the story, because it actually shows how humans do make mistakes. We all do. It seems fcked up in the story but it’s simply how humans work. We have doubts, we do hestiate with our actions, we do react too late and we do deeply regret when time comes. Thank you for the update!~
