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mika July 9, 2020 2:46 am

I wish the whole world knows about Kashmir situation, which India is killing them and indian army raping the Kashmir women's freely and sending the mens in indian jail for fighting for their rights but nope, the world is quite because they r Muslims. People just wants to save those who they want and ignore those just because they r picky. Muslims r humans too like everyone but why do they feel sorry for other people but not to those who r Muslims. Tell me why ? Why? America, China and India r killing Muslims so freely and end up saying Islam's hates them. There is a limit of being hypocrite and blaming Muslims for their own crimes. We want to live peacefully but why is it that every damn time these countries interfere in our land and our religious and destroying us and end up pretending to become victims when we Muslims r the real victims. I'm not expecting everyone to agree with me but I needed to say it coz I have had it with this hypocrite world. What a joke, u know. America blaming china spread cov19 while china says it's America and while India says it's Muslims who spread. I feel like laughing while my tears won't stop, how long r they gonna kill to satisfy their ego

    Atsux June 25, 2021 3:50 pm

    I've been reading about this for a long while but your comment was the last straw for me. It made me shed bitter tears.

    mika June 25, 2021 6:27 pm
    I've been reading about this for a long while but your comment was the last straw for me. It made me shed bitter tears. Atsux

    I'm happy that my voice atleast heard by someone. Thank u

    Figgit July 3, 2021 1:03 am

    Yup hope people will also know about the rapes and killing of occupied Balochistan by Pakistan

    mika July 3, 2021 5:07 am
    Yup hope people will also know about the rapes and killing of occupied Balochistan by Pakistan Figgit

    Hahahaha, yo Indian. How r you? Still didn't have the courage to face reality? Is ur Modi media still brainwashing u? Instead of accepting it, ur trying to cover it by blaming it others with no proof. Can u gimme the proof? Or r u just making this up to feel good.

    Figgit July 26, 2023 7:43 pm
    Hahahaha, yo Indian. How r you? Still didn't have the courage to face reality? Is ur Modi media still brainwashing u? Instead of accepting it, ur trying to cover it by blaming it others with no proof. Can u gim... mika

    Can you give me proof of the Kashmir thing? Cuz obviously it'll get militarised when your goverment exports terorism there( if you think random bomb blasts which kill so many people INCLUDING the people of Kashmir aren't terorism the idk )
    Not to mention that isn't changed now, Kashmir is relatively peaceful
    And no nothing to do with media cuz I live in the Jammu division just below Kashmir(fyi Kashmir is muslim majority and Jammu division is hindu majority so there's no case about islamaphobia), we also had to face the article 370 thing cuz we didn't care cuz we just wanted the terrorism to stop