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Also, this isn’t me hating a woman character in bl “just because”. I’ll give it to...

The audacity straight people h July 9, 2020 8:03 pm

Also, this isn’t me hating a woman character in bl “just because”. I’ll give it to y’all straight, if you think you are justified in asking a closeted person to “come out” just so your friend can get a closure to their unrequited love, you’re one inconsiderate cunt. People do not owe you any explanation for rejecting you, neither are you entitled to know or Fucking Reveal their sexuality (unless you’re dating them?).

Did she ever think about what would happen if the rejected girl was a bitch and spread the word? What if she was a homophobe? Would she have taken responsibility if he got attacked, harassed or fired after people found out? Also, I feel goddamn sorry that that black haired bitch practically guilted the MC to coming out of the closet (after gaslighting him about his own issues?). How dare she. This is a pretty realistic depiction of what asshats people can be to gay folks and that’s sad asf, and y’all and the MC deserve way better.

    sleepyfrog July 10, 2020 12:16 am

    Thank you for saying what I've been thinking about that scene. As a closeted lesbian that scene was so fucking frustrating. Coming out can be so difficult and depending on the person's situation it can be extremely dangerous. People can lose their jobs, friends, family, home, and even their life just for being gay. So yeah that scene never sat right with me. I also hate that it implies she would never give up even if he had a gf like... if he had been in a happy relationship with a gf its NOT her place to come in and wreck that bc of her wants

    Miyys September 8, 2020 4:13 am

    Thank you!
    That were my exactly thoughts while reading that chapter.