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Not to be mean but ....

Lilly July 10, 2020 11:38 pm

Uhm....i really like the story and everything but where did the plot go? In the beginning we always talked about who the culprit is and what she's gonna do about the past and to change it but where did the original plot go. we are at ch 85 at we still dont know who the murder is ,not to mention the slightest clue. Not to be mean im still enjoying it. ; ·)

    Jungkook bae July 11, 2020 12:08 am

    I mean it's just my opinion but I think it is still part of the plan. She decided to open up a shop and gain more connection which shows they are not the murderer and will help her if anything were to happen (I think seeing how they adore her). Besides she is still 5 and still doesn't have freedom to go around searching for clues. But from the previous chapters I'm pretty sure she made a list of suspects. Again this is just my opinion XD

    Lilly July 11, 2020 2:41 am
    I mean it's just my opinion but I think it is still part of the plan. She decided to open up a shop and gain more connection which shows they are not the murderer and will help her if anything were to happen (I... Jungkook bae

    Oh thx i didn't think someone would actually reply but, your right i just think that thighs are going a bit slow even though were at ch.85 and that she's been a baby/toddler for quite some time . and looking at the pfp she will grow up which leads to the conclusion that there are going to be alot (maybe???)of chapters left. AND IM NOT REALLY MAD AT IT OK : ) it iust lost a little of its plot and speed

    Jungkook bae July 11, 2020 6:13 am
    Oh thx i didn't think someone would actually reply but, your right i just think that thighs are going a bit slow even though were at ch.85 and that she's been a baby/toddler for quite some time . and looking at... Lilly

    BAHAHAHAHAHA I'm literally used to this kind of stuff since there's a lot of manga where it takes 100 chapters JUST for the child to grow up and that doesn't even come near to solving the problem XD