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BlazingShana21 September 20, 2014 10:24 am

i'm having trouble uploading an avatar on my profile??

can somebody please help me

    Noisymura September 20, 2014 12:33 pm

    what do you mean trouble ? you don't know where to upload it or it just doesn't work ?
    If it's the 1st) Click on your username, when you're on your profile go to setting and then just click on upload where it says avatar
    If it's 2) it's weird. Be sure than your avatar is under 2mb (I think) and wait a little
    Hope it helps ;) , if it doesn't I'm sorry i'm useless otl

    BlazingShana21 September 20, 2014 1:03 pm
    what do you mean trouble ? you don't know where to upload it or it just doesn't work ? If it's the 1st) Click on your username, when you're on your profile go to setting and then just click on upload where it ... Noisymura

    thanks for the reply !! it just doesn't work.. i already tried what you said .. but when i go to my setting the avatar there just keep loading repeatedly.. i dunno why ..

    ps: thank you so much for the help . (^_^)