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The 3rd story was the most interesting in my opinion. It's rather refreshing to see new ty...

Name September 21, 2014 4:51 am

The 3rd story was the most interesting in my opinion. It's rather refreshing to see new types of characters aside from the typical cookie-cutter ones you see all around.

    Anonymous September 22, 2014 11:02 pm

    Actually the seme in the third story has some serious traces of sociopathy. If he doesn't fight against it he will really hurt the uke, more than he already did. Sociopaths doesn't have empathy they can't perceive others circumstances and will do what they think they have to do to get what they want.

    mimi-love July 20, 2015 10:22 pm
    Actually the seme in the third story has some serious traces of sociopathy. If he doesn't fight against it he will really hurt the uke, more than he already did. Sociopaths doesn't have empathy they can't perce... @Anonymous

    True there is nothing romantic about it you need to stay a hella far away from ppl like that.