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ugh i dont like subin

ineedtherapy July 13, 2020 8:47 am

im definitely gonna get hate for this considering so many people consider this story realistic amazing i dont. i dislike subin for many reasons. and i just wish he didnt become friends with hyunwoo after all that. so he constantly makes his boyfriend feel wrong for being insecure about him hanging out with hyunwoo even tho hyunwoo was the source of all of their drama???? hyungwoo kissed him he didnt tell his boyfriend about it? subin continues to hang around a person who kissed him even though he was in a relationship, A HOMEWRECKER- and he has the nerve to get irritated with his boyfriend for being cautious about hyungwoo?????? the extras just got me even more mad. also their friend dongjun, it makes me mad seeing him try to make subin and hyungwoo friends even though anyone can see their relationship was toxic asf. but overall im unsatisfied with the author ending the story on such a vague and incomplete way. ive been in subins shoes and it just hurts to see him hurt his boyfriend over and over again over something that his boyfriend has the right to be worried about.

    ineedtherapy July 13, 2020 8:49 am

    and yes i forgot how to spell hyunwoos name and ik hyunwoo left for la and ended his friendship with subin