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And here i thought Kuroo was in space somewhere out there pfts but the chte reunion of Kar...

Kris July 13, 2020 1:11 pm

And here i thought Kuroo was in space somewhere out there pfts but the chte reunion of Karasuno's first year omygad I can't!!

Just sayin it probably the end of the updates if Oikawa shows up as their competitor in the volleyball cuz he hasn't show yet. But what ever the updates let it be a Little long pleaseeeee~

    vaish July 13, 2020 3:38 pm

    i hope oikawa would show up as the rival team or something in the olympics against japan. Aoba johsai team banner hasn't shown up and wouldnt it be great that oikawa is on the top stage and gets everything he deserves.