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This is cute and lovely IF ONLY they took their time falling in love! I mean, she had been...

Shiyai July 14, 2020 3:30 pm

This is cute and lovely IF ONLY they took their time falling in love! I mean, she had been in love with Andreas enough to writes resignation letter. Wouldn't it kill you to at least showed how her love towards Andreas cool off before falling for Theo (or she falling for Theo and managed to forget her love for Andreas)?! And what's the matter with Andreas? Was he that shallow?

    Comadrin August 18, 2020 7:45 am

    Was he that shallow? Good Lord, he was as shallow as a puddle in the Sahara. She was infatuated with him (I can remember being that age, although a different gender), and the minute cutie-boy Andreas noticed she was with his brother, he started fondling her thighs. I may be a horny old goat, but that is something you don't do unless you have a VERY definite understanding, and you damned sure don't do it in public under the table, unless your lady has told you she wants you to (and I'd still be somewhat uncomfortable). By claiming Beth as his girlfriend, Theo ensured that his scumbag brother would immediately treat her as a whore, something she had no idea of as he had never had any motivation to treat her like that before. Theo did set her up for disillusionment about Andreas, but it was actually the kindest thing he could do for her. He knew that Andreas was a scumbag, but, instead of telling her, he showed her in a way that an honest girl like her could not mistake. Theo was totally cool. Andreas was a total schmuck.

    Shiyai August 29, 2020 6:02 pm
    Was he that shallow? Good Lord, he was as shallow as a puddle in the Sahara. She was infatuated with him (I can remember being that age, although a different gender), and the minute cutie-boy Andreas noticed ... Comadrin

    Actually, i'm not asking a question. It's some form of retort. Showing my distasteful disbelief

    SayerSong May 30, 2021 3:08 am

    I think her love for Andreas dried the second he grabbed her thigh under the table while still celebrating his engagement. I know that would have killed any feelings I had for the man. Who wants to date a scummy cheater that has been proven to just go after all his brother's girlfriends?