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ROFL! Ain't karma a bitch?

I Thot You Was a Toad September 28, 2014 1:11 am

That uke is the best one ever! That'll teach Sensei to stop riding high horses, to keep his trousers zipped and his ego deflated to normal size. I love that kid.

    midnight_tea November 25, 2015 2:11 am

    Agree..i love the uke..don't get why people call him annoying..

    I Thot You Was a Toad November 25, 2015 3:03 am
    Agree..i love the uke..don't get why people call him annoying.. midnight_tea

    Probably because Subaru comes across as opportunistic. But really, he has already sized this sensei up as a gormless prick who coasts on the goodwill his father generates and treats everyone with the same casual contempt. He needs somebody smarter than him to teach him a sharp lesson. Subaru tried to appeal to his compassion, but he kept underestimating the kid and played with him instead. Serves him right.

    Not that I don't doubt he and Subaru will end up as a couple in the end, but it will either be a very good and unpredictable story where he learns and grows into a better human being, or it will be a sloppy romance where his considerable dumbass flaws get swept under the carpet. I hope it's the former.