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hindred July 16, 2020 7:22 am

Imagine rui having to explain to her daughter when she grows up she is actually half-siblings with hoena(hina)’s children like “your dad liked my sister but got me pregnant but my sister was so depressed and wouldn’t wake up from a coma so I gracefully let them marry their asses off because I got you instead hehe”

    hindred July 16, 2020 7:26 am

    Totally forgot. Rui’s daughter would probably also ask “if dad liked hoena, how he get you pregnant?” And rui be like “oh your dad had bad commitment issues and couldn’t decide if he wanted fresh pussy or or a fishy one, but in the end I couldn’t save him so he sank into a swamp of fishiness”

    Blissbeat July 17, 2020 5:45 am
    Totally forgot. Rui’s daughter would probably also ask “if dad liked hoena, how he get you pregnant?” And rui be like “oh your dad had bad commitment issues and couldn’t decide if he wanted fresh puss... hindred

    I think rui will answer like this " it was fated that being decided by god (author) that me & your father not end up together. Your father & aunt hina is a soulmate & I just an extra that fated to make your father ready as good enough man for aunt love not pure & strong enough for him...I'm also not sacrifice enough for him like aunt hina who almost die for him..what I do for him just carried you in my tummy for 9 months, given birth to you & had taken care of you, your father & aunt hina while she's in a coma for 5 years.... It's not enough sacrifice for me to be with him... I'm sorry that I'm not clingy enough, not obsessed enough & not almost die for your father... Please remember that this 3 criteria are important for pure love...I'm sorry haruka that I'm just not enough for him"...