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They are so fn CUTE

bubbletrouble July 17, 2020 1:30 am

I want both Yamoto and Yuji to be happy, but aaaaah I want them to end up together! They are so fn cute together!!! Took me a while to get past the waffle part. They balance each other's personality out so well.

I don't know if it's me just miss-interpreting it since I want them to be together, but Yuji look like he had a sad smile on both after when Yamoto told him a guy confessed to him and wasn't sure what to do about it, and when Yamoto told him to be happy. Like he doesn't expect to find happiness in a relationship.

    Lyns July 17, 2020 3:34 am

    I agree, BUT I ALSO WANNA THEM TO BE TOGETHER aaaaahhhhh