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schaver October 5, 2014 4:28 am

OK, reading all the comment, and, well, yeah, IDK. I mean, this is just, like, one of the best manhwa that I've ever read, for real. I read this manhwa in my own language, because this manhwa published in my country in 2007, I even bought the seconhand book because I love it so much, the idea, the plot, the story, the art, it's just, amazing. And I love all of this author's work.
When everyone said that this is jut confusing or bad ending, or suck, come on guys, that's the art of this story.
Can't you guys feel the tragedy here? Oh come on, i feel so bad reading all the comment :(

    thena November 29, 2014 2:06 pm

    If that´s the case then can you be kind and explain to us what happened at the end? Because honetly that´s the only thing i couldn´t understand.