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The bitter-sweet of this story - I LIKE THEM! This is my most favourite story from this ma...

Nuthon2say October 5, 2014 5:35 pm

The bitter-sweet of this story - I LIKE THEM! This is my most favourite story from this mangaka. Even if I've already read it for like more than I can count on my both hands, I still feel eager to reread it again when I suddenly bump into this story each time I browse to look for something to read. Some people hate this story because there is a rape scene but Shou is doing it with his wife which is his wife is not entirely agree to do it with him because he is quite confused at that time and he feels what did Shou want to do it with him if he doesn't love him. That's all. Both of them have mutual feeling to each other so this is not consider as a rape to me. Compare to other's manga which is being raped by the one who they didn't love or because their whateverness, then this manga is way-way-way better and best. Trust me, I'm a fan of lsweet love story. I'm more sensitive (emotionally) than anybody else that I've ever know so sometimes I kind of have a breakdown just because the story is sucks - which is the ending part usually... But this manga make doesn't give me the feeling of 'want to stab someone to death' feeling. Haha well, truthfully, whenever I reread this story again, I just went straight to chapter 4 onward because I don't feel like reading the early part.

Overall, I'm hoping that this story has more extras or doujins regarding the newlywed's life. I can't barely get enough with it!
