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HELP ME with this Situation please.

Miara October 9, 2014 5:55 pm

The situation is like this:

There's a guy in my class, before he used to pick on me and everything, then we became friends and really close, this guy text me everyday, he wakes me up in the morning with text, and If i don't know something he is the first one to offer help, he also stare at me sometimes, Lately he don't mind if i touch him like poke his face or wear his glasses (before he used to mind) and he knows my bf too, he draw yaoi pics for me even though he is against it, he truly listens to what I say anytime, and a girl did a horrible thing to me before, he got upset for my sake and deleted the girl of social networking sites including the comments but lately I notice that when i talk about my bf i can see a lonely expression on his face, but he hides with a smile and a comment like "aww"

I asked him if he likes me, he said as a friend only and nothing else, but he also rejected a love confession from a girl.
When I asked him why, he said he is not ready yet.

I know is weird, like... yh we are friends, but....
Do you think he has feelings for me or just my imagination?

    nice yuki says October 9, 2014 6:13 pm

    I think he does like you. He helped and stayed by your side and that kind of guy feels like he thinks of you as special. I think when he said only as a friend is because maybe he's worried that you don't feel that way or he just want to hide it because you have a bf so he doesn't want to ruin the relationship.
    And this is my guess but I think when a guy starts picking on a girl and keeps doing it, it means "hey I like you" which is kind of weird.
    I never had this experience but hope it helps.

    Miara October 9, 2014 6:47 pm
    I think he does like you. He helped and stayed by your side and that kind of guy feels like he thinks of you as special. I think when he said only as a friend is because maybe he's worried that you don't feel t... @nice yuki says

    Thanks (:

    Tavi October 9, 2014 7:11 pm

    It sounds like he wants to be good friends with you and if he's not ready for a relationship try to respect that as well. It won't do you any good to push yourself and him into something you're both not ready for. There's also the possibility that he just has a deep platonic fondness for you without romantic feelings. Personally I'd just remind myself that romantic love is no better than platonic love and enjoy the friendship to it's fullest.

    Miara October 9, 2014 8:14 pm
    It sounds like he wants to be good friends with you and if he's not ready for a relationship try to respect that as well. It won't do you any good to push yourself and him into something you're both not ready f... Tavi

    Thanks, I also have a bf but I don't want to hurt him.

    Magnolia October 9, 2014 10:30 pm

    Well, I think that this is an unusual attentiveness even among friends. I tend to agree with Tavi though. It is not necessarily a romantic interest but an honest platonic fondness expressed towards you because he sees you as an ideal girl (his actions suggest that you are kind, nice and warm, otherwise he wouldn't have taken the trouble to delete someone from social networks as a form of retaliation because she hurt you). Maybe he sees in you the attributes of someone he was exceptionally fond of when he was a child, like his mother, aunt, a teacher etc.
    Anyways my advice for you is not to trouble yourself over uncertain things, just enjoy this relationship the way it is, especially that everything is clear (i.e. he knows you have a bf and that you only see him as a friend etc.). I hope this was helpful.

    Miara October 9, 2014 10:54 pm
    Well, I think that this is an unusual attentiveness even among friends. I tend to agree with Tavi though. It is not necessarily a romantic interest but an honest platonic fondness expressed towards you because ... @Magnolia

    Thank-you it helped alot.
    Even though I try not to care it did scare me a little when my friend said, when I was talking about my bf, his face showed a little bit of jealousy, I am very close to him, I truly wish to maintain this friendship as it is, thanks all of u for the advice :)

    Blarg?! October 10, 2014 2:32 am

    As dumb/cheesy as this sounds, in my experience women can truly sense if a guy likes them. Trust your gut.

    Miara October 10, 2014 10:31 pm
    As dumb/cheesy as this sounds, in my experience women can truly sense if a guy likes them. Trust your gut. Blarg?!

    Thanks :)

    Blarg?! October 12, 2014 10:51 pm
    Thanks :) Miara

    Of course. Granted, if you have a BF and your friend hasn't said anything about his feelings, you probably shouldn't bring it up to him because your friend probably doesn't want his feelings to get in the way of his friendship with you.