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I think some people are way to harsh on chika. I know he shouldn’t have slept with someo...

Anonymous July 23, 2020 11:35 am

I think some people are way to harsh on chika. I know he shouldn’t have slept with someone else if he was in love with azuki but that’s just his way to release some stress and find some comfort. Different people have different ways. Even if they adopt this way of doing things that doesn’t make them bad or less sincere people. We all know how air headed and aloof azuki is. I’m sure there must have been many times where it was too much for chika to bear alone. If he could find comfort this way it isn’t bad. He’s not committed and he’s not leading anyone one. Chika felt comfortable enough with that university student that he could share his pain with her. He could share stuff he didn’t feel comfortable sharing with anyone else with her. She helped chika a lot. It’s not bad. I know it not being bad does not make it right either but still if his pain eased even a little it was okay to do this. I know some people are saying that if he loves azuki so much he should just confess and be a man but I think people are forgetting that chika is a child who’s parents divorced in his early childhood. It’s natural that he thinks that even if things worked out between him and azuki there’s always a chance of them breaking up in the future and them separating. I can understand how terrifying that must be for a child who already experienced it once with his parents. It’s obvious his fear would grow. Also azuki herself had only thought of chika has nothing but a childhood best friend. Chika is painfully aware of this fact. In such situations things rarely work out and chika knew that. He knew that she won’t see him as a romantic interest. He was afraid and didn’t have any hope. How can he confess in such a situation? It was only when that university student motivated chika to try for it did he master the courage to actually go for it seriously. She helped him a lot when it was difficult for him.

    Daikon chan July 29, 2020 7:46 am

    So hes just a coward? got it lmao

    otakuness November 17, 2020 9:09 pm
    So hes just a coward? got it lmao Daikon chan


    otakuness November 17, 2020 11:07 pm

    also chika himself said he was stupid and was acting cowardly (just saying after reading the raws) i also posted a comment

    so i guess we all are right to be mad at him for sleeping with another women cause he too knows he shouldnt have and admit it (from the raws) at least thats what i understood