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I love this manga, but doesn't the story sounds incredibly similiar to Ashita no Nadjia???...

Lady M October 17, 2014 1:00 pm

I love this manga, but doesn't the story sounds incredibly similiar to Ashita no Nadjia??? Or is it just me? I feel sorry for Alain, he seems not to be a bad guy... and now Richard came back into picture... oh boy!

Note: this manga is form 1979 and not 2000

    maey March 26, 2015 11:19 am

    try this chinese drama series Lady and Liar (Adapted from this manga)

    Lady M March 26, 2015 2:58 pm
    try this chinese drama series Lady and Liar (Adapted from this manga) @maey

    I will. Thank you very much :)

    umrah April 6, 2015 3:04 pm
    try this chinese drama series Lady and Liar (Adapted from this manga) @maey

    thanks for the movie