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I just want to ask... if i remembered clearly.. The uke is having sex with another man rig...

vivi July 23, 2020 4:23 pm

I just want to ask... if i remembered clearly..
The uke is having sex with another man right.. and the seme is just watching them..
Its them right.. so how many times did this happen?

I want to read this manga.. cause many people says its good..
buuuutttt it just irk me that the uke is sexing w/ othrs and the seme is looking fine withit..
I think i can handle 1 or 2 scenes like that... but dont want diff man hes done it..
Hahaha im fine with spoilers so please tell me ( ̄▽ ̄)

    HBpencil July 23, 2020 4:37 pm

    Um there's a total of three times: the first two times are done for the shooting (in which the Uke (Ed) played once the top and once the bottom). The Seme (McQueen) watched during those times and was fine with it at the time when Ed played the top, because they just met and things were business; McQueen was not fine the second time when Ed played the bottom, because the guy on top was too rough. However, at this point Ed and McQueen were not dating yet. In the third time (long after Ed and McQueen has started dating but there's a lot of drama during this) Ed was raped by a childhood acquaintance (Chang) who has a twisted love for him. Ed did not tell McQueen about this but McQueen was definitely not fine with Chang. Still this story is more realistic than stereotypical fluffy yaoi (the characters are more mature as well), and the setting is porn shooting, so you couldn't expect them to keep themselves chaste for each other before they dated. But this is such a great story! Hope this helps! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    vivi July 23, 2020 7:31 pm
    Um there's a total of three times: the first two times are done for the shooting (in which the Uke (Ed) played once the top and once the bottom). The Seme (McQueen) watched during those times and was fine with ... HBpencil

    Ooohhhh thankssss...
    I just ask it cause when i first peek on the story the chap that i saw is the uke is having sex..and then they focus on the other man whos watching them... and i was like "wait who is the real partner" and i look at the picture to know whos the real pair.. and i say "the uke is having sex with a diff man and hes fine with it.... its a big nono for me" and i didnt peek on it or mark it...

    And when i saw that the story is now completed it piqued my interest AGAIN but my damn memory remembered the scene...
    so thats why i ask...
    And thanks a lot..
    im gonna read it now (≧∀≦)