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ohhh erotic scenes but did not get what kise said all the time about a chicken?! during th...

i love yaoi more than yall October 20, 2014 12:34 am

ohhh erotic scenes but did not get what kise said all the time about a chicken?! during the penetration lmao
everything was so damn sexy

    Cheshie September 3, 2016 8:54 am

    Basically he feels like the owner of the chicken that lays golden eggs because Aomine has done so much for him, but he feels like Aomine would see all he has done as something normal and not worthy of praise. So wishing him a happy birthday like the owner of the chicken would seem to Kise like he were saying thank you for being born for me or something like that.
    It is rather confusing and doesn't make much sense but yeah.