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I just want to share this because I'm really stressed about this...

pikapika20 July 28, 2020 3:05 pm

So I just got an announcement from my college that all of the students in my college have to attend the offline class in the college in two weeks even though most of us have to work in pairs (practical class) and we have to be close to each other in the class because of that, and the college isn't really in red zone, but surrounded by red zone areas because it's in big city

And it's kinda illegal rn in my country to have an offline class in college like this

And even though we the students have been protesting about the offline class, we might as well as talking to a wall (we talked to our head instructor/teacher but kinda got ignored)

And most of us students are from various cities that are far from the college so we have to find places to stay in two weeks

The only result in our protest is that instead of one week, they give us two weeks to prepare documents and rapid tests so we can go to the city and renting place to stay because most of us don't have family in the city

They wanted us to attend the offline class not only because the college opens the intake a few times in a year but they also rent the building so they have to pay the rent and they want to get fid of us who out of 8 months class have only 1 month left

Don't go to a college like this guys (especially if the college/university rent the building like mine) (´-ω-`)

I'm sorry if I shouldn't be posting this at all and it's got nothing to do with manhwa/manga/manhua or even bl but I want you all to choose your college wisely (if there's another pandemic in the future or you're looking for a college now)

    Mynx July 28, 2020 3:16 pm

    Dam that sounds shit have you tried reporting it or taking any form of legal action

    pikapika20 July 29, 2020 8:50 am
    Dam that sounds shit have you tried reporting it or taking any form of legal action Mynx

    No there is no legal law about that actually, more like an informal order from the local government, and the remaining time is only around two or three weeks in the program and if I report the college I feel like I would be dropped out of the college so... and they actually have taken some protocols for us to follow so I would lose if I report or sue the college
    Damn I feel powerless