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Read from left to right, ikr it’s strange to see that. Basically: besides all of the 4th...

bad-pigeon July 29, 2020 8:59 am

Read from left to right, ikr it’s strange to see that. Basically: besides all of the 4th wall breaking that’s like, in every 5 panels, it’s about a swordsman who’s already reached a high mastery of swordsmanship, “how can the plot develop?” is what the manga ironically says, and I ask that too. Well, he’s using “plot armor” to save him from whatever obstacle comes his way, that being ppl who want him dead, etc. etc. And he progresses time by telling his entire origin story even tho nobody asks lolol. This is just a recount of the daily life of an OP protagonist who’s aware he’s the protagonist.
