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Geez everyone but the kid here fucking sucks lmao (oh and the dad's biological kid-). I me...

Orangatanganlamabama July 31, 2020 2:33 am

Geez everyone but the kid here fucking sucks lmao (oh and the dad's biological kid-). I mean- i don't even need to explain the MC do I? Tae was very sweet and I do feel bad for him but like... my god... dude... the guy is literally pining after his dad like daddy issues are one thing but mAN- STEP AWAY! love can only turn you blind to so much lmfao. The dad? Also an ass! I love revenge stories (and i think we can all agree the mc deserved it) but bruh- taking in the kid and raising him as your own? NOT COOL! just kill him or smth geeeeez. Literally the poor black-haired kid (sunho?) is the only damn good character here, poor baby did literally nothing wrong. He even tried to reach out and got shit for it smfh. I'm so glad he survived bc him having even the slightest little shred of hope was literally the only thing keeping me going lmaooo. I like to imagine tae adopted him or smth (unlikely as it may be-) and they lived out the rest of their lives helping each other heal from dealing with all of father and son's buLLSHIT lmao
