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prude alert

raindragon July 31, 2020 4:56 am

I just turned in chapter 5, the initial rape chapter, completely decensored. Next time you prudes read this, it might be enough to push you right over the edge. lmao. I know you keep coming back, avidly reading this, and throwing an hysterical inappropriate bitch-fit in the comments. You better keep a change of underwear close to your computer because I've decensored 3 chapters now, and have another almost done. You're welcome.

    DED =_= July 31, 2020 6:19 pm

    Whaaa you're decensoring them?
    I didn't knew that and is that why we receive updates?
    Thank you very much for your hard work love you.

    raindragon July 31, 2020 10:03 pm
    Whaaa you're decensoring them?I didn't knew that and is that why we receive updates?Thank you very much for your hard work love you. DED =_=

    thank you so much. The appreciation means a lot to me, DeD. Yes, Mangago updates whenever something new is added to a story. XO

    raindragon July 31, 2020 10:36 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! valelu

    much appreciated. thank you so much. (๑•)و~~~~

    Baobeii August 3, 2020 5:49 am

    People need to understand that these are fictional characters and not real characters. Just as a fictional character would commit murder, we don’t say anything but when a fictional character rapes or something, boy do people have a lot to say huh. Don’t let these people get to you, you’re doing an amazing job!

    raindragon August 3, 2020 5:59 am
    People need to understand that these are fictional characters and not real characters. Just as a fictional character would commit murder, we don’t say anything but when a fictional character rapes or somethin... Baobeii

    thank you so much. i agree, and still want to know why reactions to rape are so ridiculously out of perspective. They react to rape by wishing .the most sadistic bloody torturous death on the rapist. It doesn't make any sense.
    I appreciate your reasonable, intelligent observation

    Baobeii August 3, 2020 6:25 am
    thank you so much. i agree, and still want to know why reactions to rape are so ridiculously out of perspective. They react to rape by wishing .the most sadistic bloody torturous death on the rapist. It does... raindragon

    No problem, it’s appalling that people think they have the right to wish the most cruel tortures on a fictional character and criticize you when you did NOTHING wrong. It’s idiotic, if they don’t like a rape scene either stay and read or leave. They act as if yaoi doesn’t revolve around rape, sexism, and other terrible things. It’s fiction for the love of god, not only that but movies and novels also portray this too. We aren’t condoning rape but we aren’t bitching about it when you choose to read it. I appreciate everything, keep doing what you do because I actually enjoy this story very much lol. Anyways you have a lovely day :)