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Lunatic Bandit November 5, 2014 2:35 am

I have mixed feelings after reading this... I wasn't sure if I should hate Kouta, Hoshina, or both! Now don't even know how I should feel towards any of the Seme's in this manga o.o

Spoilers ;-;

In the beginning I hated Kouta for treating Miwa like that after his confession and introducing him to another guy because he couldn't accept Miwa.
Then I hated Hoshina for trying to lead Miwa away from Kouta but then it mellowed out after Hoshina realized he liked Miwa.
My dislike for Kouta grew after he kept avoiding Miwa (Kouta you fucker). It intensified after he raped Miwa. (O^O)
Buy after I found out that he had psychological disorder after raping Miwa I started to feel bad for Kouta.
Then I almost blew my top when I saw that Kouta and Miwa got together in the end.
Poor Hoshina T-T

I was kinda leaning towards Hoshina -.- He truly and deeply cared for Miwa. Not wanting to hurt him while Kouta (jealous supposed besty) actually DID hurt poor Miwa.

    Lunatic Bandit November 5, 2014 2:36 am

    And I'm an idiot for writing Katou's name as Kouta -.- sorry everybody

    Sakura Hime ;) November 6, 2014 8:44 am

    Well I totally agree with you. I felt the same way throughout the story.hoshina deserves some even better than Miwa Katau and Miwa these two bastards. I hate them.

    Black Shadow November 27, 2014 8:01 pm

    I agree! And sorry. I was trying to klick on the plus to read your full comment and accidentally voted annoying. So I just wanned to say I think the same and ignore that annoying one pls. I'm so sorry I dun know how to change it back. ^_^

    Lunatic Bandit November 28, 2014 4:35 am
    I agree! And sorry. I was trying to klick on the plus to read your full comment and accidentally voted annoying. So I just wanned to say I think the same and ignore that annoying one pls. I'm so sorry I dun kno... Black Shadow

    It's all good ^-^ accidents happen o.o/ nothin' to do about it! :3