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Uhhhh idk what like...

blue_bag August 1, 2020 2:11 am

But I didn’t like this story one bit (⊙…⊙ )

Uhhh ok he got beat into a coma n shit but there’s two things I didn’t like. That A) the bullies were still obsessed w this dude and that they sent a whole mafia to fuck with a seemingly scrawny guy, and B) this dude has 0 development. He’s just a murderer obsessed with revenge y’all, he’s not even a bit clever about it. This just wasn’t for me..#-.-)

    Cid August 1, 2020 8:05 am

    I know his not clever. He became a musclehead. But all the broken emotions and mentally crushed mind have his way to take revenge. As you can see, he stalked this bullies of his and saw no regrets on what they have done to him, they not even guilty. They even claimed that all of their hard time being punished and all was his fault. All he wants was revenge and his revenge was to kill them, their families and all the people who gets in his ways. I'm gonna like it if all of this ends up of fulfilling his revenge. Not that type of cliche things of ending up not killing the remaining because he realized it's not worth it or something. We all know revenge is bad but this is a story. I actually love this kind of story.

    manganiME August 1, 2020 2:49 pm

    Sometimes, just seeing a badass kill bad people satisfies.