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Can someone PLEASE pick this up??? Or if not, can anyone tell me where I can read the comp...

Mhikyla August 1, 2020 11:54 am

Can someone PLEASE pick this up??? Or if not, can anyone tell me where I can read the completed version for FREE T_T

    Yoo August 3, 2020 11:51 pm

    According to previous tl's website there were copyright issues so they had to stop. Previously it was officially licensed on smackjieves but that's also been removed. Now it's been licensed on Webtoon French though. (
    I've seen authors removing the licensing from one platform to move to another in the past so that could be what's happening to English ver. as well. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    koolee40 September 25, 2020 11:54 am
    According to previous tl's website there were copyright issues so they had to stop. Previously it was officially licensed on smackjieves but that's also been removed. Now it's been licensed on Webtoon French th... Yoo

    Thank you for the tip! I'm French but I literally hate reading manga/manhwa/manhua in French. But I like this manhwa so much, I'll support the author on webtoons

    koolee40 September 25, 2020 11:54 am
    According to previous tl's website there were copyright issues so they had to stop. Previously it was officially licensed on smackjieves but that's also been removed. Now it's been licensed on Webtoon French th... Yoo

    Thank you for the tip! I'm French but I literally hate reading manga/manhwa/manhua in French. But I like this manhwa so much, I'll support the author