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could not take it anymore

marry November 8, 2014 1:13 am

I really could not get into this book, oddly enough the girl turned me off from the very beginning and the plot could not make up for my dislike of the main character or the guy she liked. The girl had some of the traits i really respect and like in female characters- she is strong willed and doesn't seem to be driven purely by emotions but all her other traits (selfish, carefree, self-centered, a brat, doesn't seem to put much efforts into things) which i dislike outweighed the traits i liked. the guy she liked is not very smart and stupidly loyal and if you ask me not really king material but then again i stop reading at vol.13

    Anonymous December 31, 2014 4:54 pm

    You got pretty far. I for one was reading more for Duzie, to see how he'd grow as a character. I was not disappointed.