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I loved Minaguchi and Andou's story soo much! I was so happy for them!! I also loved Hiroc...

Asami-san's lover November 9, 2014 7:19 pm

I loved Minaguchi and Andou's story soo much! I was so happy for them!!
I also loved Hirochika and Tsukamoto's story. These stories both showed their growth, either maturing their juvenile minds or accepting who you really are, and the choices you make (Tsukamoto);
I was sad about the uncle and nephew situation, but this situation was bound to happen: Toshiya gave Yuusuke 5 reasons why he wanted nothing to do with him, and I tend to believe all of them; perhaps the important one in Yuusuke's case was that his mother understood his uncle and he didn't want to betray her. It showed how disappointed and hurt Yuusuke was when he told his mother he wouldn't take her to that secret place he had loved so much, because it was in the middle of nowhere, full of bugs, there was nothing there but a bunch of stars.
