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I like how Byul gets the face of his mother but gets the hairstyle of his father. so cuutt...

udaxsasai August 2, 2020 4:08 pm

I like how Byul gets the face of his mother but gets the hairstyle of his father. so cuutteeee! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Maybe Hye Sung acted that way cos he's worried that Byul might have disadvantages like him (only good with Math but bad with other subjs etc.) and he doesn't want Byul to experience any hardships like what he has to go through in life (just because he's a recessive omega). He knows it better than anyone else- how life is somehow unfair for people like him.

Also, he is already anxious with his current state - he wants to enjoy college but the college seems to be not okay, he wants to mingle with his classmates but he knows being with Byul should be a priority (I think he also wants to be with his baby too given that Dojin is so busy as he is).

Tho I also don't like it when he shouted at Byul. That is not just okay.

Bottomline- let's give Hye sung a chance. He is slowly but surely changing for the better (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

And let's always appreciate how cute Byul is!! He is without a doubt our precious angeeel ヾ(☆▽☆)
