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Don’t judge him so badly....

Anonym2003 August 3, 2020 10:17 am

Hyesungs mother left the family when he was just a little boy, and because he took after his mother by looks and gender (not that they knew at first, but his dad threw out daily threats because he suspected him to be omega etc. I don’t remember all the details here), his father made his life miserable, to the point where Hyesung had to drop out of school and run away. And when he was pregnant with Byul (OMG THIS CINNAMON MOCHI IS SO PRECIOUS) and saw his father, he gave into a panic attack but luckely had Dojin by his side, which just proves the fact that his father really left a deep scar on him. So don’t be too harsh to him. He never had a parent to look up to and is now struggling because of it.
Because he never had a caring parent as a role model, he took after his mother by running away but he realized it soon enough and is now trying his best. He prioritize his own son over his college friends and is slowly taking small steps towards a noticeable change.
And the fact that he yelled at Byul can’t be fairly justified but I’ll at least point out the possible readons. Taking a consideration of his sudden fear of telling his friends about his marriage, and the realization that he couldn’t afford to apply for a better school, I believe he yelled at Byul as a reflecting on his own issues, of how he’s struggling behind and is now stuck in a school with a level far behind what he could’ve achieve if he just hadn’t droped out of school. To shorten it, in that moment, he saw him self in Byul. It could also be that he’s afraid for his own son to take after him, and instead of handling the situation in a more careful way, he lashed it all out as anger, which just made it all worse.
I bet he feels like trash right now but don’t know of what to do. So peeps, don’t be too harsh to him. But if you’re disangreeing with me, at least, thank you for reading it all!

    Juliette12346 August 3, 2020 10:20 am

    I love you now i hope that others will Understand what he's been through

    Anonym2003 August 3, 2020 10:41 am
    I love you now i hope that others will Understand what he's been through Juliette12346

    I can understand that it’s hard for people to accept that Hyesung is trying his best because he still makes mistakes based on his insecurity. The past might be staying in the past but scars left behind it can never heal, they can only be less hurtful. That’s probably why people feel disappointed in him, because they expect for him to improve right away, and some might not be thinking about the fact that he’s now having present scratches and small wounds on the old long forgotton scars. Yes! I also hope that people will come to understand that he isn’t only facing the present and heading for the future, he’s also having troubles with the past leaving behind hardships in his present. I’m cheering for him to make an improvement that he’ll stand proud by! Thank you! I’m glad you think the same too:)

    Juliette12346 August 3, 2020 11:22 am

    I just Understand what he's been through and i know it must've been hard to deal with all of this by himself now he has his husband and byul to make him feel better and heal all of his scars

    Anonym2003 August 3, 2020 11:37 am
    I just Understand what he's been through and i know it must've been hard to deal with all of this by himself now he has his husband and byul to make him feel better and heal all of his scars Juliette12346

    Yes! I’m so happy he found a place to feel at ease and to feel loved! Sooner or later, I hope to see him be fully and truly happy alongside with all his friends and family!