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This shit is absurd and has no right to be as funny as it is.

No climax no point no meaning August 4, 2020 5:03 am

This shit is absurd and has no right to be as funny as it is.

    spoopydiana August 5, 2020 9:45 am

    Seriously I just kept laughing throughout and when he got snatched again at the end oohhh I busted out loud like wtf did I just spend my night reading

    Tae's left booty cheek August 8, 2020 3:44 am
    Seriously I just kept laughing throughout and when he got snatched again at the end oohhh I busted out loud like wtf did I just spend my night reading spoopydiana

    Me too

    ☆*:.。. 빵 .。.:*☆ August 18, 2020 3:40 am

    I felt so bad after reading this because everyone in the comment section seems to be genuinely traumatized but I’m over here laughing me ass off glad to see I’m not the only one. The sushi killed me—