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How do you know when your in love

shadowreaper August 4, 2020 7:01 am

I see this all the time in the manga I read and I'm like awwwww so cute!!!!. But I never actually been in love before anime and manga guys yes but never real guys can someone help me?

    lan zhan nipples August 4, 2020 7:05 am

    From my experience, i usually can’t stop thinking about that person and imagining scenarios with them. I listen to love songs songs and think about us... stuff like that. But do not take my experience as the only way to know if you are in love, people experience it in many different ways. You will know when the time comes, don’t stress over this <3

    TeddyBear August 4, 2020 7:10 am

    To love is to ultimately have the willingness to Interpret someone not appealing behaviour in order to find more reasons why it is what it is. To love someone is to apply generosity of your interpretation towards them.

    TeddyBear August 4, 2020 7:13 am
    To love is to ultimately have the willingness to Interpret someone not appealing behaviour in order to find more reasons why it is what it is. To love someone is to apply generosity of your interpretation towar... TeddyBear

    Love is not only feelings. It is a skill too. We will never manage to find the right person it's the good enuff person.

    shadowreaper August 4, 2020 7:15 am

    So it's like a win or lose game you can find the right guy but at the same time you can find the wrong guy

    lan zhan nipples August 4, 2020 7:20 am
    Love is not only feelings. It is a skill too. We will never manage to find the right person it's the good enuff person. TeddyBear

    you went deep buddy... respect

    ✨Suujin August 4, 2020 7:21 am

    following because i also honestly dont know.
    i tend to think deep and analyze my emotions TOO MUCH (how im feeling it, why im feeling it, etc) that I get confused whether I love the person OR I like his certain characteristic OR i want to have that certain characteristic. Oof I cant explain it properly but this is how my thought process goes like:

    - oh that person is attractive
    - i think i have a crush on him
    - but why do i find him attractive?
    - oh its because of his personality
    - im meek and kind of introverted, so im attracted to his leader-type and bubbly personality
    - ok move on

    and it ends there. since i already know the reason why im attracted to the person, my feelings just fades away. I can also fall for girls (yes im bisexual) and this is how it goes:

    - oh she looks cool
    - i like her eyes
    - but why do i like her eyes?
    - hmm maybe because i have the basic asian almond shaped eyes, so im attracted to people with emphasized/attractive eyes
    - i think i liker her
    - but why do i like her?
    - i think its because of her masculine attitude and personality. It makes her look cool

    and like i said i just move on. now looking back at my 21 years of existence, i think ive never really fallen in love..

    TeddyBear August 4, 2020 7:28 am
    So it's like a win or lose game you can find the right guy but at the same time you can find the wrong guy shadowreaper

    Anyone we can love can be a perplexing mix of the good and bad

    YesButLikeNo August 4, 2020 7:35 am

    Anime/Manga made my standards for a romance so high, I know that reality will disappoint... I have had plenty of light crushes in real life, as I am easily swayed by my emotions, but none as much as my love for 2D boys

    shadowreaper August 4, 2020 7:37 am
    following because i also honestly dont know.i tend to think deep and analyze my emotions TOO MUCH (how im feeling it, why im feeling it, etc) that I get confused whether I love the person OR I like his certain ... ✨Suujin

    You and me are two peas in a pot. my friends talk about how they fall in love all the time but for me I never actually like someone before I asked my friends and they either tell me you get butterflies in your stomach or you just know. But to me that doesn't make sense cause how do you know if your making the right choice and at the same time you might get hurt my that person you like. What if the person you have a crush on liked someone else are you just gonna stand their and watch from the sidelines destined to be in the friend zone forever. And what if you do find the right person how do you know their not cheating on you or even worse their just using you for some foolish game. I just wanna know is it worth it to fall in love and risk getting your heart broken at the same time

    shadowreaper August 4, 2020 7:39 am
    Anime/Manga made my standards for a romance so high, I know that reality will disappoint... I have had plenty of light crushes in real life, as I am easily swayed by my emotions, but none as much as my love for... YesButLikeNo

    ha so true to be honest I want a yandere as a boyfriend

    ✨Suujin August 4, 2020 7:55 am
    You and me are two peas in a pot. my friends talk about how they fall in love all the time but for me I never actually like someone before I asked my friends and they either tell me you get butterflies in your ... shadowreaper

    YOU SERIOUSLY TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH!! Goodness gracious we are indeed two peas in a pot! I honestly find relationships futile. I get that relationships are good since no man is an island. But at the end of the day, youre left with you and yourself only. Entering a <romantic> relationship is a huge investment that needs emotional, mental, spiritual and financial stability. Heck, I cant even smoothly manage my own ass, how can I manage another. In time, I'd like to be in one, but I just think its uncertain and impractical as for the moment.