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so, if you think rapists should have their genitals cut off or be strung up, killed, tortu...

raindragon August 4, 2020 6:34 pm

so, if you think rapists should have their genitals cut off or be strung up, killed, tortured, who would perform these punishments?
I don't think our society has the right to give such punishments.

    raindragon August 5, 2020 3:20 pm

    What's so extremely disturbing is that while eleven upvoted, ten downvoted. Ten people, almost half, are in favor of prison bloodbaths, even in favor of those who are innocent but falsely accused to be tortured, have their genitals cut off. I don't want to be a member of the same species as them

    Teddy August 5, 2020 6:11 pm

    Lmao are you in North Korea or something? Who the hell gets tortured? People just go to jail for crimes or death penalty in some states or even a mental hospital ig you could count that as torture if you want. No one legally gets tortured, at least in US I don't know other countries laws well....Also are you saying rapist should get no punishment at all? I mean I don't agree with the death penalty because of how many innocent lives get killed and the racism that has added to it but that doesn't mean they shouldn't get punished

    raindragon August 5, 2020 8:18 pm
    Lmao are you in North Korea or something? Who the hell gets tortured? People just go to jail for crimes or death penalty in some states or even a mental hospital ig you could count that as torture if you want. ... Teddy

    Ultimately, yeah, rape would not be punished. There's going to have to come a time when we take responsibility as the human race and start preventing people from becoming so twisted up inside that they become rapists.
    We're never going to solve the problem as long as we keep locking it away so we don't have to deal with it.

    raindragon August 5, 2020 8:27 pm

    look. the score is tied 11 to 11. Now what should we do? It's like the hippies vs the cannibals

    Teddy August 5, 2020 9:34 pm
    Ultimately, yeah, rape would not be punished. There's going to have to come a time when we take responsibility as the human race and start preventing people from becoming so twisted up inside that they become ... raindragon

    Woah wait so you're saying we just don't have any penalties at all for peoples crimes? And how would you prevent people from becoming "twisted"? Also I think prison is more of a complex system than just "locking away problems"
    Also I should say I'm not trying to come of as a jerk if I sound like one, I'm genuinely curious about your thought process on this...not that I agree with it just that I'm curious

    raindragon August 6, 2020 12:41 am
    Woah wait so you're saying we just don't have any penalties at all for peoples crimes? And how would you prevent people from becoming "twisted"? Also I think prison is more of a complex system than just "lockin... Teddy

    somehow I managed to put the answer I wanted to give you into a new topic. I really didn't mean to! I guess I wrote in this field too long and mangago's thingies shifted and my answer wouldn't go here anymore...I feel like a drunkard saying that lmao
    Anyway, the answer I wanted to share with you starts with "An advanced society"
    thanks for your patience

    raindragon August 6, 2020 1:48 am

    the cannibals are up by one point. Cannibals suck!
    Come ON lazy doped up hippies!

    raindragon August 6, 2020 1:50 am

    I can't believe the fuckin cannibals got ANY upvotes let alone beating out the hippies. man....

    raindragon August 6, 2020 1:51 am

    I mean downvotes. sheee

    raindragon August 6, 2020 6:58 am

    FUCK! The cannibals are two points in the lead! WTF? How are the hippies going to make up that score? the hippies are for peace and non violence including not cutting off rapist's balls.
    The Cannibals want hell on earth for rapistsd, tearing off dicks and balls. it's disgusting! but look at all the downvotes! That's the fucking cannibals beating the hippies, who are for peace and love. Get the fuck off your hippie asses and put some scoring upvotes on the scoreboard already, lazy pot-smoking maggots!

    blueninja89 August 10, 2020 6:19 am
    Lmao are you in North Korea or something? Who the hell gets tortured? People just go to jail for crimes or death penalty in some states or even a mental hospital ig you could count that as torture if you want. ... Teddy

    As a fellow American I should you the US does allow torture. That was the whole issue with Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and the mercenaries stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US actually employs some of the worse torture tactics imaginable. We’re a country of hypocrisy it’s not a secret. We just have enough fire power to just do whatever we want tell others how we want it. We’ve destroyed entire countries governments when it’s suited our economic gain. Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Guatemala, etc.

    Teddy August 10, 2020 1:41 pm
    As a fellow American I should you the US does allow torture. That was the whole issue with Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and the mercenaries stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US actually employs some of the worse... blueninja89

    I never said they don't do it, I said it isn't legally permissible, especially not legally allowed to do on their own citizens. But yea you're right about US being hypocrites, they still be doing it anyway and then they'll give you a half assed youtube apology video IF it gets leaked to the public ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭