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Amazing. Overnight, he turns from being Heinrich Himmler into a male version of Mother Th...

This Sucks the Most August 6, 2020 3:38 am

Amazing. Overnight, he turns from being Heinrich Himmler into a male version of Mother Theresa. He only stops being the world's biggest sleezebag when his pile of s**t father confesses that he knew their cousin murdered the baby and that he lied to the FL. The murderous cousin is dead, but now the world, including filthy, lying father, is all sweetness and light. I've read some really bad ones, but this is definitely in the running for the worst so-called romance of all time.

    Rika347 August 6, 2020 5:48 am

    Also the father in law shouldn’t had been forgiven regardless of whether he’d become old and frail.

    sakura_killua August 6, 2020 6:39 am

    Girl is so easy. Anyway, the guy is rich, so can be forgiven for 1x fuck up as he can pay for her healthcare & she have more time to get financially ready to dump him if he fuck up 2nd time. Otherwise, never take him back. Why bring additional baggage for nothing? (=・ω・=)

    Comadrin August 22, 2020 4:10 am
    Also the father in law shouldn’t had been forgiven regardless of whether he’d become old and frail. Rika347

    Just what ****ing plane of unreality is this family from? ML (who, for some reason, wears a cross around his neck) still loves and cares for his father even after said father ADMITS THAT HE WAS COMPLICIT IN THE MURDER OF ML'S CHILD, not to mention that he'd been lying to him for years about deliberately destroying ML's marriage. What does this family do for sport: Burn down orphanages? Bomb kindergartens? I also find it incredibly insulting and straight out bigoted that these amoral psychopaths are portrayed as being Italian, to the extent of pointing it out in the ****ing title of this travesty.

    corali August 24, 2020 12:52 am
    Just what ****ing plane of unreality is this family from? ML (who, for some reason, wears a cross around his neck) still loves and cares for his father even after said father ADMITS THAT HE WAS COMPLICIT IN TH... Comadrin

    For me your comment is the best, I laughed hard, when you said: What does this family do for sport: Burn down orphanages? Bomb kindergartens?, aside that, what you said is true: "these amoral psychopaths...", these kind of people can never be normal, even is scary for me to only imagine I can encounter these people in my path, what a horror!!! He killed ML'S CHILD, his own blood, the son of his own son!!!! and the son treat him like nothing had happened, it's just only another stupid HARLEQUIN story, I would like another story with a drop of reality.
    But amoral psychopaths exist in real life, any kind of nationality, they can be Brazilian or any country european, I don't understand when you say: ....these amoral psychopaths are portrayed as being Italian?, because are you italian?

    Comadrin September 5, 2020 4:11 am
    For me your comment is the best, I laughed hard, when you said: What does this family do for sport: Burn down orphanages? Bomb kindergartens?, aside that, what you said is true: "these amoral psychopaths...", t... corali

    Part Italian, although mostly a mish-mash of various backgrounds. I would still find it somewhat offensive if I wasn’t. It’s the idea of using someone’s nationality or ethnicity in the title of a book and then portraying everyone in the story of that nationality as complete and utter scumbags, especially as the victim is of another nationality (coincidentally, the author shares the victim’s nationality). I just find it rather bigoted of the author, the same as I would if an American author wrote a book entitled “The $@#&%’s Profession,” where every character of $@#&% descent kidnaped small children and harvested their organs for sale, while all the American characters were noble and upright. It’s an unconscious (or maybe deliberate) “we’re better than you” attitude.