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Ninja Fangirl November 19, 2014 4:30 am

So teacher student stories can really be a hit or miss. Personally, I tend to like them more when the uke is the teacher. But there was something about this teacher that I wish he had more screen time. The kid was okay, an interesting character but, what if, and this is just a thought, the teacher and the main character uke. Hot right? *fantasizes* okay i wanna see that.

    jeideu.chung January 13, 2018 9:22 am

    I know this is late, but yes!!!
    That would be too hot. I feel like the teacher would have better chemistry with the MC uke rather than a overly feminine one. Imagine that scene switched; Version 1: Uke is about to get raped, hesitant about what to do, teacher saves him.
    Version 2: Uke seems like he's about to be raped, teacher wants to save his 'pretty-faced student' then "POW!" Rapists get knocked out by uke and sensei can't help but see hearts as uke calmly walks off. Waahh... Yes, I fantasize too...