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I have to say, I get annoyed at the "Even though I didn't try, I know I can't have you, so...

What Ever! November 20, 2014 7:01 pm

I have to say, I get annoyed at the "Even though I didn't try, I know I can't have you, so I'm sleeping around!" type of story.

    Anonymous November 22, 2014 12:13 am

    Me too!!!

    kyoko-san May 3, 2015 10:18 am

    well.. if the shoe was on the other foot, imagine if you were seen by your crush after getting nearly raped, would you ever be able to face him afterwards?

    Mameiha May 4, 2015 11:01 am
    well.. if the shoe was on the other foot, imagine if you were seen by your crush after getting nearly raped, would you ever be able to face him afterwards? kyoko-san

    I'm with you on this. Megumu was distancing himself to protect Ryuuji ass well as his own heart and pride. Also want to add that I was kinda turned off when Ryuuji treated Megumu like a chick... weirded me out.

    Mameiha May 4, 2015 11:04 am
    I'm with you on this. Megumu was distancing himself to protect Ryuuji ass well as his own heart and pride. Also want to add that I was kinda turned off when Ryuuji treated Megumu like a chick... weirded me out. Mameiha

    Sorry, not "Ryuuji ass" but "Ryuuji as"... touchscreen is gorking bad. LOL

    kyoko-san May 5, 2015 9:20 pm
    Sorry, not "Ryuuji ass" but "Ryuuji as"... touchscreen is gorking bad. LOL Mameiha

    well.. it can go both ways. Even as a seme, Ryuuji's ass may also be needing some protection

    Mameiha May 5, 2015 10:55 pm
    well.. it can go both ways. Even as a seme, Ryuuji's ass may also be needing some protection kyoko-san

    Very true...LOL Unless he likes to "flip flop" that is. Not a lot of that in yaoi...parameters are too well defined I guess.

    iamxrae May 6, 2015 7:08 pm
    well.. it can go both ways. Even as a seme, Ryuuji's ass may also be needing some protection kyoko-san

    Yeah, and not to mention, Ryuuji is 5 years younger. Their ages now aren't a problem, but when Megumu was say, 18 and Ryuuji 13, it wouldn't be acceptable. Except in manga, but that's a different thing altogether. And there was no way for Megumu to know that Ryuuji had those kind of feelings for him.

    Mameiha May 6, 2015 11:18 pm

    Sex is a great "pain-killer" ... heart, mind and body. Unfortunately, it doesn't last very long and you are left "chasing that first high".

    hataki May 7, 2015 1:12 am
    Very true...LOL Unless he likes to "flip flop" that is. Not a lot of that in yaoi...parameters are too well defined I guess. Mameiha

    i'm really bummed that their aren't more switch yaois out there. :/ i get tired of the seme's who refuse to bottom.

    What Ever! July 6, 2015 5:05 pm
    well.. if the shoe was on the other foot, imagine if you were seen by your crush after getting nearly raped, would you ever be able to face him afterwards? kyoko-san

    That's not what happened, he slept with him out of his own free will. He was sad, but that doesn't change the fact that he agreed.

    @iamxrae: That with the age gap is actually a reason that seems understandible, I didn't think of that (yaoi universe and all).

    kyoko-san July 6, 2015 10:31 pm
    That's not what happened, he slept with him out of his own free will. He was sad, but that doesn't change the fact that he agreed.@iamxrae: That with the age gap is actually a reason that seems understandible, ... What Ever!

    Yes, that's right, and it is why i said "nearly" cause i'm aware it wasn't rape rape (am i getting the point across lol?) well they had sex, but it was all one sided. Even if he agreed, it was raw sex, and he ended up regretting it.

    But anyway my point wasn't the fact that it was consensual, but to the response to the "even thought I didn't try" and how in my point of view I can understand why the uke didn't want to face the seme after that incident

    What Ever! July 7, 2015 4:20 am
    Yes, that's right, and it is why i said "nearly" cause i'm aware it wasn't rape rape (am i getting the point across lol?) well they had sex, but it was all one sided. Even if he agreed, it was raw sex, and he e... kyoko-san

    That I'm annoyed isn't because of after the sex thing. I'm a bit annoyed it even got that far. He didn't confess or wait a few years until the seme was older to try. He just didn't try he just said "I'll never have him". He may have wanted to keep his relationship intact, but it broke anyways, so why couldn't he have just confessed from the start. The thing with protecting people by not telling them important things is not a good idea most of the time, it just hurts them. And not wanting to dirty him is just dumb, it's not like he wanted to rape the kid. This is just always the same in mangas.

    kyoko-san July 7, 2015 12:31 pm

    Because in romance/yaoi mangas normally everything ends up okay.. So it seems effortless to just confess..
    And okay after the sex thing, I understand what you are saying, but also please put things in perspective

    When you crush on someone it is a possibility that someone is crushing or dating somebody else. And even worse if you are gay crushing for a straight guy. For all we know Ryuuji was heterosexual.
    I get were you are coming from, he loved his friend and still slept around. That was clearly a mistake, but.. and please imagine it this way:

    I'm assuming you are a girl @What Ever, then imagine a situation where you realize you're starting to have erotic dreams with your female best friend and falling in love with her. Of course you don't confess.. you don't want to lose the friendship nor do you have the courage to assume you are gay to someone that admires and looks up to you... So what do you do? well.. i would probably explore my sexuality and confirm if i really was gay.. So it is a mistake, yes but a inevitable one.. (in my opinion of course).

    And the part you said the relationship broke anyways.. well he didn't know it would lead to that, did he?

    narutolvr December 9, 2015 6:06 am
    I'm with you on this. Megumu was distancing himself to protect Ryuuji ass well as his own heart and pride. Also want to add that I was kinda turned off when Ryuuji treated Megumu like a chick... weirded me out. Mameiha

    I get it, I really do. And I usually agree with the reasons most characters start to distance themselves as they seem pretty valid. I just find that they persist to the point that it's just stubbornness and not logic keeping them going. Like in this one: I was totally with Megumu avoiding Ryuuji but then when they went to the hotel and Ryuuji all but humped his leg and asked him to cum on his face...I feel like it was pretty obvious at that point that Ryuuji was at least physically attracted to him.

    So why insist on running home and avoiding him again? That's where I got the feeling he gave up without trying, but in the most ideal circumstances possible. It's like wanting a puppy all your life and being offered one for free, only to turn it down because you're afraid it won't like you. I just never got why characters kept up the act so long. Maybe just habit I guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    What Ever! December 9, 2015 6:36 am
    Because in romance/yaoi mangas normally everything ends up okay.. So it seems effortless to just confess.. And okay after the sex thing, I understand what you are saying, but also please put things in perspecti... kyoko-san

    Nah, not a girl, but I get it in theory I get what you're saying... I just don't think I would do the same, I get sleeping around if you don't have someone you like, but if you do the idea just seems foraign to me. Life isn't perfect and sometimes I just need mangas to be, so this is just pissing me off.

    onea February 28, 2016 6:49 pm

    Dats true megumu could've just told ryuuji his feelings like been

    Sangria June 6, 2016 2:05 am

    I totally agree with you, this sleeve is totally unrealistic. I think that there is many history and feelings that don't show up... And i can't digest a couple like this. It's too shallow...Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    peypey August 17, 2016 10:58 am

    Tbh it's a normal reaction for almost everyone. I mean it's not everyday that you see people's crushes like eachother back.On top of that they're both male. And seme was still in the middle school at that time so it's normal that the uke would think that seme would find it disgusting.

    kei_k October 1, 2016 2:04 pm

    Oh, I know that feeling because I, myself, am quite bothered when this happens in a manga.

    I think, if A likes B, how can he keep up being with C, D, or others? I know there could be various circumstances that make A think this is the best. It could be one of the following:
    - A and B are of the same gender;
    - B has a lover or someone he likes (and even tells A about it, unaware of his unrequited love);
    - A and B are ages apart, or B may even be underage;
    - B is his or his family's rival, so his pride prevents him from admitting his feelings (You know what they say, the person who confesses first tends to lose in the end.);
    - etc.

    Now, I get how it's annoying when A thinks the best option is to avoid B, and sleep around to make him forget his desires. I mean, since B doesn't seem to express the same feelings, he's free to do that, right? But how does that really help? Why does A give up without doing something about his love first?

    I guess it all comes down to A's fear of being rejected and making his relationship with B awkward, or completely destroyed... But how could A be sure he'd be rejected if he didn't even try?

    Age gap, with B being underage? He could've waited for a few more years if A sincerely liked B. (I mean, A, are you even sure you'd still like him years later?)
    Same gender? Is B actually homophobic? Did A even have any idea how B viewed homosexual relationships? Why not try to at least ask how he'd react if another guy confessed to him? He should at least know if there's a slightest chance for him to confess before giving up.
    B has a lover or someone he likes? Why not observe how he'd react when you're not as readily available to hang out like before? He could try observing if B would really be content spending more time with C, D, or others than A himself. If he sees that B is really serious with C, D, or the others, and says he doesn't mind if A himself finds a lover, then he can take this as a cue to give up without making things awkward between them. (I don't like interfering with relationships or cockblocking, so...)
    A can't confess to B because they're rivals and his pride gets in the way? Why not test the waters first and see if B can get along with him rather than concluding that "It's impossible because he hates me?"

    Basically, A should think hard first if he really likes B so much that he'd be willing to sacrifice a few things so he can hope, but not expect much. There are other options to explore while being uncertain if his love can be returned, but why sleep around? Maybe it's just individual difference, because I personally wouldn't do it with someone else just because I feel that the one I like is impossible to have. I personally view sex IRL as a very intimate act that should only be shared by mutual;y in love people. (Ah, I'm not against liberated people or those who have casual sex or one night stands as long as they don't get me involved...)

    Also, there are instances when the "Even though I didn't try, I know I can't have you, so I'm sleeping around!" type of characters do it just to see if the person they like would get jealous or something, so they claim that "It was JUST SEX anyway, YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE I LOVE, so don't worry about the details and let me f*** you now." I'm just like, WHUUUT? You totally enjoyed those times! If not, you could've stopped after doing it once and letting that person know, instead of doing it like there's no tomorrow, then telling him he's the only one. Grrr.

    (In the end, I just make it a big deal when they sleep with others, then profess their undying love to that special person while denying the feelings he had while being with others. It's not really cheating, but I still feel a bit cheated. LOL)

    (Because I think I rambled a lot and strayed from the main point...)
    TLDR; Megumu should've considered the consequences of sleeping around with others first, along with the possibility of Ryuuji finding out, before doing the act. This way, he could have less regrets and move on like he intended (without being hated or looked down upon, as he feared), instead of being trapped by a painful experience.

    Sangria October 2, 2016 2:35 am

    I think the problem here is that the history is shallow... I can't understand the profile or emotion or personality of them... if we sleep around or can't say what he feel is another story. Its sad cause the art is perfect, and i think this type of history is different... It would be a good history...