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The reason why I can't read this mangakas stories is because you never get to see the ukes...

Cat July 23, 2012 10:56 pm

The reason why I can't read this mangakas stories is because you never get to see the ukes feelings... Like its always the seme whose head over heels in love and has to fight for a guy who will do it with anyone who shows him a little bit of affection :/ like I would like to see a little bit of the ukes feelings not some innocent blushing right at the end of the manga ... Overall of you like this kind of Yaoi with love triangles and the uke causing so many problems then it's pretty nice .. I just prefer mutual love and characters that can make me feel their emotion..

    Nocturne August 11, 2012 5:51 am

    I agree that that disadvantage can be a manga's downfall, but i think this one had the uke's feelings more than others. Telling the uke's feelings outright is just no fun so she put it into the form of her expressions and flashback. Its a beautifully done piece and the characters are easy to understand. In addition, there was mutual love; though, i agree the kind of crazy, jealous, and possessive ex bothered me a bit, but its supposed to. That just proves how well she made an impact for that character.

    :) August 17, 2012 4:27 pm


    Derd November 8, 2012 11:36 am

    Lol no.

    Lola November 28, 2012 7:20 am

    I agree with Nocturne this one is mostly about the ukes feelings is it not?

    Jane Doe April 10, 2013 5:51 am

    I think their they both showed their feelings. The seme was just more honest about his feelings. We're humans and we display our emotions in different ways. I like this mangaka. (One of her other mangas "Sweet Restraint" also shows the uke's feelings if you need an example. He doesn't even mind turning scary or hitting a female stalker for the guy he loves.)