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Not excusing her entirely but...

emora August 7, 2020 9:24 pm

I think in todays society we still focus on the woman being the one to take all the blame. She's this and she's that. Not so nice. I think we forget that, we want to believe in the best of people. WE believe that there is no way they could possibly be deceiving us because we "know" and "love" them and they wouldn't want to hurt us either. There is a book about the Cold War, spies, and lying that goes further into. We are truly arrogant beings that believe we are the exception to being lied to and being able to point them out. There should be more blame on him. He is the one giving false promises. HE is the one looking for someone else during his marriage. He is stringing her along. He is a total trash of a person. Yes she should have stayed away from him but love/dopamine is an addiction. You always want more of who ever gives it to you. And again he was lying to her by making her believe he was going to leave his wife. Again not excusing but give him an even greater sentence than her. It is a horrible situation to placed into. She did her best and luckily was able to get out of it and meet someone great. Others, aren't always so lucky.
