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FINALLY -Opinions (warning , it's long)

Ray November 26, 2014 4:38 pm

Oh god I've been dying to know about the end of this manga and look ! Finally it's finished ... *cries of happiness* It seems that I miss looked the Doll . I can't seem to remember him . I was counting why didn't they get enough doll for everyone and when the exam ends . I finally realized I didn't count the Doll along . (clumsy me) . As for the Doctor , I admire him for being able to create such an amazing machine doll ! Man , to even give feelings to the doll that's just amazing ! . *coughs* And who would had thought that the hacker have such beautiful and girly face ! xD The gay parts though , LOL . I really admire the author . The stories created were rare , amazing , weird (in a good way) and specifically awesome . I wish I could create awesome stories like these too ! (which is nearly impossible) . I always had a 'thing' for twins . But more than that , I admire the love between both of them . Sacrificing yourself for someone else is really an act we should not take lightly , especially when it involves life . I think Handa is pretty stunning . Being able to sort out all of those strategies WHEN HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE MEMORIES . I guess that's what people call ''Being genius , no matter what .'' And that dude who had his penis removed . The first time I realized that , I laughed so hard crying and rolling on the floor . I mean like , 'I know you're handsome but man , that's just too much .' The dude who got his blood (?) taken away was skinny lol . Although what he did wasn't much but offering to share oxygen knowing that you'll die without it is quite admirable . (quite ? really ? =A=) I also thought of how amazing the artist is when he draws the hacker when he got back his head . He looked like a completely different person .
SO yeah . That's it , I guess . It's a really amazing story and I wish to see more of the author's works next time .
