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Help me find this manga pls

ecka August 9, 2020 9:43 am

So there's this shounen ai manga I am looking for. I can't remember the title and the whole plot but I can still remember a part of a chapter. I think it was near the end, they're classmates and I think the uke is thinking what he feels for his seme, their houses are near to each other by one street ig, and near sea too?? Huhuhu im so sorry for the little details but I hope you can help me. AH! ALSO I THINK THEY HAD SOME POPSICLE ENCOUNTERS!!! PLEASE HELP ME THANK YOU!!!! I reaalllyyy had little recollection of the plot but I can still remember how I feel about that manga tho, I really loved it!! Too bad I read it before I made an account here!! And that was years ago!!
