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Extreme spoiler dont read: Are people seriously hating on ryoki right now?? Are you guys ...

randome November 28, 2014 8:35 am

Extreme spoiler dont read:
Are people seriously hating on ryoki right now?? Are you guys dumb enough not to realize just how sad his families situation is I mean for the love of god if I had a dad like ryoki's who tells me I don't love you and a mother who only cares about most scenarios in a manga that kind of character would have committed suicide...and the other hand about shingogu very gross to even think about him as something other than a brother I know they aren't blood related ( FYI I love shingou but not for hatsumi) but think about it in your perspective if your brother whom you thought was your brother for 12 or more years and found out later that he wasnt could you see him as a man I DONT THINK SO unless for some odd reason you did because you had this feeling for him before knowing. Also I think it's rather cute how ryoki was honest with hatsumi he was jerky at times but hatsumi did a lot of things to make her seem not worthy as a gf anyways hanging with her ex is a number one. I could rat on but I won't main point ryoki really REALLY loves hatsumi. She basically will be his family his mom and dad are not family wats so ever.

    Oltrepassassi June 4, 2015 5:24 am

    I didn't find the idea of her and Shinguo disgusting...think about it, he is the ultimate shoujo prince character! Also, in the short time she knew of Shinguo's feelings (not just in denial...another one of her dominant traits) the artwork seemed to show that she was, indeed, aware of Shinguo as a man and not always in a bad way considering her shyness. Ryouki, on the other hand, didn't look much different than the degenerates that tried to gang rape Hatsumi.

    reinakun May 8, 2016 2:25 am

    Neither Ryoki's shitty family life nor his love for Hitsumu excuses his atrocious behavior towards Hatsumi (and other characters) in any way. He's a deplorable character and, were he real, I would have wanted nothing more than for him to die. THAT BEING SAID, he's *not* real so I can't bring myself to feel overly guilty about liking him despite how much of an evil bastard he is.

    It's okay to like Ryoki as long as you acknowledge what an awful character he is.

    reinakun May 8, 2016 2:26 am


    Dee December 6, 2017 9:53 am

    No, wrong, sorry. Having a less than ideal family life (and believe me he could have had much worse) does not give a guy license to act like a selfish prick and treat the girl he supposedly "really really loves" like crud on the bottom of his shoe. Worst manga I've ever read. Seriously. Oh wait, except for the one where some skeeze becomes an toddler's "guardian" and then proceeds to groom her to accept being raped on a regular basis as being in love. This one comes in second to that one for most god awful story line ever.

    Kuru-Chan January 10, 2020 2:15 am

    I know, Most people, especially in this comment section, are broken people themselves, so their views on things like this would of course be negative. Why do you think the kindest and purest people in the world never act like them?